When I initially started taking CEP courses, I wanted to gain experience in some new resources that could help me on my way to becoming teacher. These courses have definitely taught me a great deal about incorporating technology into the classroom. One great resource that I have become accustomed to using now is RSS feeds of my favorite blogs. I use Google Reader, and I check it every few days to read my favorite edutech blogs which help keep me in the loop and prepare for my new job in August. I have completely gone away from using Microsoft Office products and have instead switched over the Google Docs due to its extreme ease of use and the collaborative features that allows for easier group assignments, editing, and eventual grading for the teacher. These are just two small examples of some things that CEP has taught me over the past 4 months. I do, however, want to keep learning. In the field of technology, staying ahead of the curve means everything. Dedicating yourself to continue learning, whether that be by going to educational technology conferences, reading blogs through and RSS feed, or buying new gadgets, is important in such a dynamic field as technology. I built a computer when I was in 8th grade and considered myself an expert when it came to hardware specifications that year because the depth of my research into what to buy was so extensive. Yet now, around 7 years later, I have no idea what a company like Intel is talking about when they unleash their new processor or video card lines. Staying in the loop is the only way to keep up, and I feel I have a good handle on that partially because of these courses.
One goal that I definitely have for the future is becoming more proficient at audio/video technologies. I would like to become proficient enough at these technologies that I could tape a school play on three separate cameras and then edit footage together to create a polished final product. Having skills like these are helpful to both a career and to the institution I will be working at. I have some experience with filming and editing, but I would like to learn more. I will be having my students use these technologies on projects that I will be doing with them this upcoming semester that will teach both them and I how to better use these technologies for educational purposes. All students in this day and age should have a good base of knowledge on A/V technologies because they are becoming so prominent, so I would like to get better at them so I can in turn teach better about them.
Another goal that I have is to solidify my knowledge in web design. I can design a functioning website from scratch, but my design aesthetics and overall final products are underwhelming because I have had very little formal education in the subject area. I just bought a few books on DreamWeaver and Flash design that I will be exploring in the near future in an attempt to become proficient in these technologies. Being able to create a professional looking web page, whether it be for personal, public, or professional use is another very sought after skill in the workplace. Having web design as a tenant to offer prospective employers makes me look like a better candidate for employment. I am planning on living and working overseas for at least the next 10 years, so gaining the two skills mentioned above will make me a candidate hard to pass up. For someone like me that enjoys exploring the World, gaining A/V and web desing knowledge will help further my career greatly.
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